Zarak Fatah: Awakening Intuition and Authenticity for Conscious Entrepreneurship, Spiritual Growth | Ep18
Show Notes & Links Zarak Fatah is a transformational life coach who turned his life’s adversities into a path of fulfillment and authenticity. Growing up in a tough Toronto suburb, he faced racism and bullying, which propelled him towards ambition rather than defeat. At 17, he dove into Toronto’s nightlife, eventually running 12 successful entertainment […]
Tara Divina: Integrating Spirituality into the Entrepreneurial Journey, Power of Authenticity | Ep10
Show Notes & Links Tara Divina mentors magical people to monetize their creative & healing talents in a fun and sustainable way. She combines the practical experience of generating millions of dollars through her own businesses with her intuitive seeing of the deeper truths that we must look at in order to have real fulfillment. […]