Sam Kabert: Finding Soul-Life Balance, Mental Health and Well-being | Ep20

Show Notes & Links

Today we have an extraordinary guest on the show – his name is Sam Kabert.

Named Silicon Valley’s 40 Under 40 List at just 31 years old, Sam is a serial entrepreneur turned spiritual seeker. Despite building a million-dollar business, Sam realized he was unfulfilled and sought a deeper purpose in life.

Since 2019, he has embraced a journey of self-discovery, prioritizing mental health and advocating for SOUL/Life Balance. His book, “SOUL/Life Balance,” explores life’s deeper meanings, inspired by an existential question from his childhood.

After hitting rock bottom despite his achievements, Sam found purpose in yoga and meditation, becoming a certified instructor and breathwork facilitator. He now shares his transformative five-step practice with corporate audiences and private clients, helping others find balance and overcome overwhelm.

In this inspiring episode, Sam Kabert takes us on a transformative journey bridging the worlds of entrepreneurship and spirituality. Known for his deep insights and practical wisdom, Sam shares profound lessons from his personal evolution, emphasizing the harmony between material success and inner fulfillment.

Listen as Sam reflects on his path from Silicon Valley entrepreneur to spiritual seeker, recounting pivotal moments that reshaped his life’s trajectory. He discusses the power of soul life balance, a philosophy he champions to integrate work and spiritual practices harmoniously.

Explore Sam’s transformative approach to mental health and spiritual well-being, rooted in his experiences with yoga, meditation, and plant medicine. Discover how he navigates the challenges of modern-day hustle culture while prioritizing inner growth and authentic living.

Join us as Sam dives into his vision for a future where individuals prioritize spiritual alignment alongside professional success. Through his speaking engagements, coaching, and writings, Sam aims to empower others to find purpose and fulfillment on their unique journeys.

Connect with Sam on Instagram for daily insights and inspiration:

Visit Sam’s website to explore more about his coaching programs and holistic approach to entrepreneurship and spirituality:

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Welcome to the Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast! In today’s episode, Christian sits down with Sam Kabert, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur turned spiritual seeker. Discover how Sam transitioned from business success to a life centered around spirituality and mental well-being.

Key Highlights:

  • Sam’s background and achievements as a successful entrepreneur.
  • His transformative journey dealing with depression and finding spirituality.
  • Introduction to the concept of soul life balance.
  • Practical advice on implementing structured flow in daily life.
  • Sam’s vision for a new earth where mental health is prioritized.
  • Steps to integrate yoga, meditation, and other practices for well-being.


Join us as we explore Sam’s insights on creating a balanced and fulfilling life by prioritizing the soul over the grind of daily work.

Part 1: The Journey from Success to Fulfillment: Sam Kabert’s Story

In this episode of the Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast, Christian interviews Sam Kabert, a remarkable individual who has made a significant impact in both the business world and the realm of spirituality. Named to Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 list at just 31, Sam’s journey from a million-dollar business to a life of soulful fulfillment is both inspiring and enlightening.

From Silicon Valley to Spiritual Awakening

Background and Achievements:

  • Sam’s early career in the Silicon Valley area.
  • Launching his first business while in college.
  • Achieving recognition as a successful entrepreneur and being listed in Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40.


Despite these accomplishments, Sam found himself feeling unfulfilled. In 2019, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life. This transformation led him to explore yoga, meditation, and the concept of soul life balance.

Discovering Soul Life Balance

Key Turning Points:

  • Hitting rock bottom despite business success.
  • Embracing yoga and meditation as tools for healing.
  • Becoming a certified yoga instructor and breathwork facilitator.


Sam’s journey highlights the importance of addressing one’s mental health and finding a deeper purpose in life. His book, Soul Life Balance, delves into these themes, offering a five-step practice that he now shares with corporate audiences and private clients.

Practical Advice for Entrepreneurs

Balancing Spirituality and Entrepreneurship:

  • The need for structured flow in daily routines.
  • Using calendars to balance creative work and responsibilities.
  • Prioritizing spiritual practices to avoid the pitfalls of hustle culture.


Sam believes that entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to integrate spirituality into their lives due to the autonomy they possess. By focusing on the inner world made up of thoughts and feelings, and categorizing work as a part of life, individuals can achieve a harmonious soul life balance.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into Sam’s concept of structured flow and how it can be implemented in both personal and professional life.

Part 2: Implementing Structured Flow for a Balanced Life

Sam Kabert’s approach to achieving a harmonious soul life balance revolves around the concept of structured flow. This method combines the discipline of structure with the freedom of flow, enabling individuals to stay productive while also nurturing their spiritual well-being.

Understanding Structured Flow

Core Principles:

  • Balance between structure and spontaneity.
  • Using a calendar to organize tasks without stifling creativity.
  • Allowing flexibility to reschedule tasks based on intuition and energy levels.


Sam emphasizes that using a calendar doesn’t mean rigidly adhering to a schedule. Instead, it’s about creating a framework that allows for creativity and spontaneity. By planning your day with some level of structure, you can ensure that important tasks are completed while also leaving room for flow.

Practical Steps to Implement Structured Flow

Calendar Management:

  • Schedule creative work and meetings at times when you’re most productive.
  • Include breaks and personal time to recharge.
  • Be open to rescheduling tasks if you’re not in the right headspace for them.


For example, if you have a day full of meetings but the weather is perfect for a surfing session, you might choose to reschedule some meetings. This flexibility ensures that you’re not missing out on experiences that contribute to your mental health and overall well-being.

Tips for Entrepreneurs

Balancing Work and Spiritual Practices:

  • Limit the number of meetings and calls each day to avoid burnout.
  • Dedicate specific days for creative work and others for administrative tasks.
  • Integrate yoga, meditation, and breathwork into your daily routine.


Entrepreneurs often struggle with balancing their professional responsibilities with their personal needs. Sam suggests that by prioritizing spiritual practices and creating a flexible yet structured schedule, it’s possible to achieve a state of flow that enhances both productivity and inner peace.

Benefits of Structured Flow

Positive Outcomes:

  • Enhanced productivity without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Greater mental clarity and focus.
  • Improved work-life integration leading to overall well-being.


By adopting the principles of structured flow, individuals can navigate the demands of both work and personal life more effectively. This approach not only boosts efficiency but also fosters a deeper connection to one’s spiritual self.

In the next section, we will explore Sam’s vision for the new earth and how these concepts can contribute to a more balanced and harmonious society.

Part 3: Sam Kabert’s Vision for the New Earth

Sam Kabert envisions a new earth where mental health and spiritual well-being take precedence over traditional work-centric lifestyles. This transformative vision emphasizes a shift away from the conventional hustle culture towards a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Key Elements of the New Earth

Core Principles:

  • Prioritizing mental health over work.
  • Creating work environments that respect employees’ well-being.
  • Embracing a holistic approach to life that integrates spirituality and professionalism.


Sam believes that the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite their devastation, provided a unique opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities. The lockdowns offered a glimpse into what life could be like if we slowed down and focused on what truly matters.

Shifting Perspectives on Work and Life

Transformative Ideas:

  • Redefining success beyond monetary achievements.
  • Encouraging corporations to treat employees as individuals, not just assets.
  • Promoting soul life balance as a replacement for the outdated concept of work-life balance.


Sam notes that many people began to realize during the pandemic that there is more to life than just work. This period of introspection led to a greater appreciation for personal time and mental well-being, which he hopes will continue to influence societal norms.

Embracing Change and Moving Forward

Steps to Foster a New Earth:

  • Encouraging companies to adopt flexible work schedules.
  • Integrating mental health and wellness programs into corporate culture.
  • Supporting initiatives that promote personal growth and spiritual development.


Sam advocates for a cultural shift where businesses prioritize the mental health of their employees. This includes offering flexible work schedules, providing wellness programs, and fostering environments where personal growth is encouraged.

Personal and Professional Goals

Sam’s Vision:

  • Replacing work-life balance with soul life balance in everyday language.
  • Educating others on the importance of integrating spirituality into daily life.
  • Continuing to spread his message through keynote speeches, books, and online content.


Sam’s ultimate goal is to see the phrase work-life balance replaced with soul life balance. He aims to educate others on the importance of incorporating spirituality into their daily routines and to spread this message through his various platforms.

Part 4: Living as a Spiritual Entrepreneur: Balancing Spirituality and Business

In the modern world, finding a balance between entrepreneurship and spirituality is essential for achieving true fulfillment. Sam Kabert, through his journey, provides valuable insights on how to maintain this delicate balance while excelling in both realms.

Key Strategies for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Embrace Autonomy:

  • As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to design your schedule.
  • Prioritize tasks that align with your spiritual values.
  • Use tools like calendars to manage time effectively, allowing for both work and spiritual practices.


Incorporate Spiritual Practices:

  • Start your day with meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness activities.
  • Schedule regular breaks to reconnect with your inner self.
  • Integrate breathwork and visualizations to maintain mental clarity and focus.

Overcoming the Challenges

Avoiding Hustle Culture:

  • Recognize the importance of mental health over constant productivity.
  • Set boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain work-life harmony.
  • Focus on structured flow, ensuring you have a balance of discipline and flexibility.


Maintaining Discipline:

  • For those more inclined towards spirituality, incorporate a structured approach to achieve business goals.
  • Use tools like goal-setting and time management to stay on track.
  • Balance the yin (feminine energy) and yang (masculine energy) within your daily routine.

Structured Flow: A Practical Approach

Key Components:

  • Plan Ahead: Schedule your week to include both work commitments and spiritual practices.
  • Flexible Timing: Allow for rescheduling based on your energy and creativity levels.
  • Balanced Calendar: Limit the number of calls or meetings to avoid overwhelming your schedule.


Sam Kabert emphasizes the importance of using a calendar to achieve structured flow. By planning ahead and allowing for flexibility, entrepreneurs can ensure they have time for both work and spiritual pursuits.

The Importance of Soul Life Balance

Reframe Your Perspective:

  • Replace the concept of work-life balance with soul life balance.
  • Recognize that both work and life involve external responsibilities, but your soul needs nurturing too.
  • Prioritize inner well-being to achieve overall harmony and success.


Implementing Soul Life Balance:

  • Start each day with activities that nourish your soul, such as meditation or journaling.
  • Reclassify work as a part of your life, rather than the central focus.
  • Regularly assess your mental health and make adjustments to maintain balance.


By adopting the soul life balance framework, spiritual entrepreneurs can create a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle. This approach ensures that personal growth and spiritual well-being are prioritized alongside professional success.

Part 5: Achieving Long-Term Success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

In the journey towards balancing spirituality and entrepreneurship, sustaining long-term success requires commitment and strategic planning. Sam Kabert offers valuable insights into maintaining this equilibrium while ensuring growth and fulfillment.

Strategies for Long-Term Sustainability

Cultivating Authenticity:

  • Authenticity is key to building a genuine connection with your audience and clients.
  • Share personal stories and experiences that reflect your spiritual journey and entrepreneurial path.
  • Align your business practices with your core values to establish trust and credibility.


Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

  • Stay updated on industry trends and evolving spiritual practices.
  • Embrace a growth mindset and be willing to adapt your strategies based on feedback and experience.
  • Invest in ongoing education and personal development to expand your knowledge base.

Nurturing Relationships and Community

Building a Supportive Network:

  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your spiritual and business endeavors.
  • Engage in networking events, workshops, and retreats to foster meaningful connections.
  • Collaborate with other spiritualpreneurs to share resources and insights.


Community Engagement:

  • Create a community around your brand that values spiritual growth and personal development.
  • Offer workshops, webinars, or retreats that resonate with your audience’s spiritual interests.
  • Foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity within your community to encourage engagement and loyalty.

Legacy and Impact

Defining Your Legacy:

  • Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind in both your personal and professional life.
  • Identify core values and principles that will guide your decisions and actions.
  • Aim to inspire others through your work and spiritual journey.


Measuring Impact:

  • Assess the impact of your spiritual teachings and entrepreneurial ventures on your audience and community.
  • Seek feedback and testimonials to gauge the effectiveness of your programs and services.
  • Use metrics and qualitative data to track progress and make informed decisions for future growth.


In the dynamic landscape of spiritual entrepreneurship, achieving sustainable success requires a steadfast commitment to authenticity, continuous learning, and community engagement. Sam Kabert’s journey exemplifies the integration of spirituality and business, offering valuable insights for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike.

Key Takeaways

  • Authenticity: Stay true to your core values and spiritual principles to build genuine connections with your audience.
  • Continuous Learning: Embrace a growth mindset and remain adaptable to industry changes and evolving spiritual practices.
  • Community Engagement: Foster a supportive network and cultivate a community that values spiritual growth and personal development.
  • Legacy and Impact: Define your legacy by inspiring others through your spiritual journey and entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • Embracing Challenges: See challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth, fostering resilience and innovation.


By embodying these principles, you can create a sustainable and impactful spiritual business that not only thrives in today’s market but also contributes positively to the collective spiritual evolution. Embrace the journey, stay aligned with your spiritual values, and continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Embrace the balance of spirituality and entrepreneurship, and embark on a fulfilling path towards holistic success.

Podcast Transcript

What is up beautiful people, this is Christian from the Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast and today we have an extraordinary guest on the show. His name is Sam Kabbert and he is named Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 list at just 31 years old. Sam is a serial entrepreneur turned spiritual seeker.

And despite building a million dollar business, Sam realized he was unfulfilled and sought a deeper purpose in life. Welcome Since 2019, he has embraced a journey of self discovery, prioritizing mental health, and advocating for soul life balance. In his book, Soul Life Balance, he explores life’s deeper meanings, inspired by an existential question from his childhood.

After hitting rock bottom despite his achievements, Sam found purpose in yoga and meditation, becoming a certified instructor and breathwork facilitator. He now shares his transformative five step practice with corporate audiences and private clients, helping us find balance and overcome overwhelm.

Please join me in welcoming Sam Kerrit to the podcast. 

Sam Kabert
Welcome Sam. Hey Christian. Thank you so much for having me. 

Yes, it’s an honor. So tell us a little bit about, about your path, your journey. How’d you get to where you are today? A little bit of background, be. Much appreciated. And then, yeah, you know, I’m, I’m excited for all the wisdom you have to share because you seem to me like the person who perfectly balances entrepreneurship with spirituality.

Sam Kabert
Thank you, brother. I appreciate it. And thank you so much for having me here. Yeah. So the high level is, uh, I’m from the Silicon Valley area. I started my first business in college and then let’s see, it was about seven years. To get to the spiritual awakening side, I’d say the first three years, three years of entrepreneurship being 22, 25, 22, 2 25 years old was very rocky and challenging and am I doing the right thing?

And then around years three to five, I started to take off. That was also when I started my first podcast in 2017. And then. After that, it’s interesting to look back at it because after takeoff, I only really had maybe like two or three years of the height of it. That’s when I was really networking with the who’s who of Silicon Valley.

I was named at Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 lists. I was ding an NFL cheerleader at the time, and I built my company up to a million dollar company. And I on the board of multiple nonprofits, chairing a group called, uh, Silicon Valley, young Silicon Valley, young professionals, and even did an annual event at eBay’s headquarters called, uh, pitch tank, similar to shark tank, just our version.

So very much like entrenched in hustle culture and entrepreneurship and business and all the things. And then I hit a numbing depression, uh, in 2019. Um, Around the time I was, I built my business up to a seven figure business and was named in Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 lists. And that’s when I wasca found me.

And after that changed everything in my life, I moved out of Silicon Valley, got out of the toxic relationship, started to explore. different, uh, business endeavors instead of what I was doing and just went deep down the rabbit hole of spirituality. And then I got really into working with plant and earth medicines and integration, uh, being an integration guide for others.

And now I’m a keynote speaker. I speak to corporate about soul life balance and overcoming the overwhelm as well, the title of my new book. And yeah, that’s a high level, uh, Uh, update of what, oh, and I’m a yoga instructor, breath work practitioner, and I lead a men’s group. So, uh, a lot of, a totally different world than it was five years ago, for sure.

Wow. That’s incredible. I love how people can just transform in such a short amount of time. Isn’t it incredible? 

Sam Kabert
Yeah, absolutely. 

So tell us a little bit about your, how your, are you asking experience? Like, why would you title that as such so significant or impactful? Like, I mean, of course it’s a powerful plant medicine, but what about it was like, you were ready, something was falling apart already, or you were just like open for change, like what?

Tell us more about. Yeah. 

Sam Kabert
I mean, I was at rock bottom, you know, and it was a numbing depression, like I said. So the idea and concept of surrender was absolutely intimidating and scary for me. Um, but at the same time, because I was at that rock bottom, it made it a lot easier to surrender. And even looking back at all of my medicine ceremonies after that first ayahuasca ceremony, right?

Like. Sure, they’ve been great, they’ve been profound, they’ve been helpful, but sometimes I’ve looked at them too, like, do I really need to go back to the medicine? You know, because that first night was everything that I needed because that was the ultimate place of surrender because where I was at was so painful.

And I remember the pain. purges and one specifically where I purged out all, it felt like all, but it wasn’t all, all of my like self hatred and all my identity. And it felt like I had a flash between a flash of my whole life, um, in one purge. And I just remember after purging, just being, ah, And a big smile on my face, and then I laid down and just went on beautiful journey from there.

And then after that, I was like, wow, if I just experienced that, you know, a lot of people said going into my ayahuasca ceremony, I had heard like, you know, typical stuff. It’s like 10, 12, 15 years of therapy packed into a single night. And for me, it was a lifetime, if not lifetimes of therapy. So that’s when I just changed.

Everything in my life and just went down the spiritual path with blinders on because it was that profound. 

So How can people live as a spiritualpreneur? like how can they find this balance of spirituality and entrepreneurship because I personally believe very much that the The golden path, as Buddha says, it’s like that, that’s the path.

You know what I mean? It’s never one extreme that makes us really flourish. So how can we walk that path? 

Sam Kabert
Yeah, I think it’s a lot easier for entrepreneurs than it is for someone that Works for a company because as an entrepreneur, you get to really have that autonomy to choose what you want to do when you want to do it and to create your schedule.

Um, I know a lot of people that are stuck in corporate and I just had a friend yesterday where I called him up and he was like, um, Oh, I’ll call you back in. 40 minutes. It’s not five yet. I’m like, what do you mean? It’s not five. He’s like, I’m, I’m at the office and I’m like, why, why are you, why does that matter?

Shouldn’t it? You know, he’s like, we live in different worlds. I’m like, yeah, we do. Because in a lot of ways I feel like incorporate or just being employee for organization, we look at, at, at. time. It’s like a prison sentence or, you know, like, Oh, now it’s five o’clock. Okay. You can go home now as opposed to the work that you’ve done.

Like, Hey, do you complete all your work? Sweet. Go home. I don’t care. That’s 12 PM. You know, you’re supposed to be here for another five hours, but you got your work done. Go home, you know, um, but for entrepreneurs, since we do have that flexibility, it’s honestly easy and there’s no excuses. And I believe it’s really the embodiment of the archetypal energy of yin and yang or yang, which is the feminine and masculine.

And that’s why I talk about soul life balance because soul life balance is a reframe of work life balance where we realize that both work and life are about outer expression, responsibilities, obligations, how we perceive the world with our five senses. So, okay, no wonder why we’re going through this mental health crisis.

So instead, let’s prioritize our soul first, yin energy, the feminine are In a world made up of our thoughts and feelings and then record recategorize work as a part of life. So I think for entrepreneurs, it’s a lot easier if we can just put our spiritual practices first and not get stuck in in hustle culture.

Now, this is a practice and it is a balance because there are so many first time entrepreneurs that kind of come from spirituality and are new to business. And what we see there is. It’s not so easy for them because they get stuck in all his love and light and everything is flow and nothing ever gets done because they’re always more in the soul side of the soul life balance for them.

They’re going need to, uh, have some discipline and roll up their sleeves. Whereas for people like myself that are like, no, I got this like yang energy, this work thing down, you know, I just need to prioritize like, My mental health and my connection to source and my inner world, it’s a little bit easier. I feel like for us, but either, either side, you know, it’s always going to have his, it’s challenges.

The name of my integration group for people working with plant and earth medicines, it’s called structured flow. And you’ll notice that everything I do has this like. Kind of send some yin yang to it. And right, because we need that structure to have that flow. And I think that’s a really important message for so many people in spirituality, because even if you do come from more structure in your life and you’re new to flow, we all kind of just veer to everything is flow, you know, it’s like, well, you still gotta get things done.

So how can we have structured flow while we live within the philosophy and framework. of soul life balance. 

Beautiful. I love that. Can you elaborate a little bit more on what structured flow looks like for somebody who is just not familiar with either of these concepts, like wha how can we have a structured flow?

Sam Kabert
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m huge on working with my calendar and I’ve always been someone who it’s like, if it’s not on my calendar, it doesn’t exist. And back when I was in like, quote, unquote, hustle culture, as we’ll call it, my business coach back in like 2013 or something was like, put every single thing on your calendar, even your breaks.

And I was like, Oh man, like that’s, that’s overwhelming. And then I’d also be like, well, What if I can’t do it if I don’t feel like doing if it’s creative working, I’m not feeling creative or anything like that. He’d be like, it’s okay, just reschedule it. And I was like, Oh, that makes sense. So for someone that is very much in their flow, And they’re like, Oh no, I don’t like the idea of like using a calendar because I want to base things off of when I feel like doing it.

Hey, I see you. Me too. Living here in Santa Cruz, I’m starting to get into surfing more. And not only that, this town is very much like. Foggy sometimes and sunny other times. And then if I have a day that’s packed full of calls or meetings or things I’m doing, but it’s beautiful outside and usually it’s just foggy, I’m going to be really frustrated because I won’t be outside.

And the whole reason of me being an entrepreneur is to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. So for me, I don’t like to have a packed call. calendar of like commitments to calls and things like that. Right. I’ll limit them to a few a day or other people. It might be like, Hey, Tuesdays and Thursdays or whatever it is, you know, I’m going to take calls back to back all day and then the other days I’ll play.

That’s something that you can work with and see what works best for you. The reason why I bring up surfing is you never know what The swell is going to look like, especially if it’s a few weeks out. And now that I’ve been surfing every day for the past week and coming back from Costa Rica, like the feels amazing.

And also like being now having that flexibility of being like, okay, there is a good swell and this is the good time to go out and I have that space. So that feels good. The other side that I was saying, um. With the calendar is just realize when you first start working with your calendar, if you don’t feel like doing something That’s not like a commitment to a client or say a podcast like what we’re doing right now or a meeting You can always reschedule that that creative work.

You can always reschedule that so don’t be shy about rescheduling it for a time that you do want to do that because you should not be doing creative work when you’re not Feeling creative the output’s just not gonna be there You 

Yeah, I agree and I appreciate that very much, uh, especially since this interview also was rescheduled.

Oh yeah, that’s right. Yeah. Perfect example. So from, from your experience, like when would you say, like, when did you last follow your intuition over logic in your business? Can you ask that again? Yeah. When did you last follow your intuition over logic in your business? And what was the outcome? 

Sam Kabert
Hmm. Um, oh god, good one.

Just last week. I was giving a keynote to a casino and I knew exactly what I was going to be talking about what the keynote presentation was going to be about Overcoming the overwhelming six step breath process and I had it all mapped out out and I was ready to go and I was coming, uh, straight from Costa Rica, uh, men’s retreat flying straight to Arizona from Costa.

And I had all day to just like kind of ground back in the U S and get ready to present to a corporate demographic. And I, I really like to do some sort of yoga or meditation or ice bath or just something before I go and present and I googled like, you know, cold plunge near me and I found this amazing place called optimize in Tempe, Arizona, that has not only a cold plunge in a sauna, but like a Oh, it was like a biohackers dream with everything they had there.

And it was just incredible. I loved it. I had such a good time that morning, but when I was in the sauna specifically, I asked myself, what is it that these people need most? Because I was feeling like the keynote presentation that I was to give that evening was landing a bit flat. And the reason was they brought me in as the closing keynote speaker for their Uh, mental health symposium, the first time they’re offering it for their employees because they had seven suicides last year.

And I really wanted to not just have a, the presentation I planned. I want to really see, you know, there, there feels like there’s something more here. So. I first meditated to just clear my thoughts and then I reflected on it and allowed anything to come through. And what came through was not only to share my story with suicide, I literally had a script come through.

So I got out of the sonnet when I was done with that 20 minute session and went to the compression chair where they put like, uh, the compression type things on your legs and And typically in something like this, I wouldn’t want to bring my phone out. I want to just be, but at this point I’m like, well, I’m, I’m working too.

So I pulled my phone out and while it’s going away on the compression on my legs, I’m just writing the script out because it’s almost being channeled. Then by the time I got back to the hotel. I just lay down in the bed, bust out my laptop, wrote out this new script, and then I performed it about five times and went over it.

And it was about a seven minute long introduction to the keynote presentation where I was describing telling the story of when I found my friend. Hey, hanging himself hung from the ceiling fan and how his older brother came and kicked down the door and it was his older brother was giving him CPR. And this was on the morning of, uh, I believe it was 2008 the Super Bowl.

The first time Eli Manning. Uh, defeated, uh, Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. And the reason why that’s important is because the whole commentary after the game was about how proud of an older brother Peyton Manning must be because he just won his Super Bowl. Two years previous. And this was one of the few Superbowls in my life where we weren’t just raging and partying or whatever.

Like I was in college, I was 19 years old, but we were just around the couch. Watch actually watching the game and watching the commentary afterwards. And the whole narrative was around like Peyton Manning and the Manning family and how proud they must be of Eli Manning to theme Tom Brady. And next thing you know, we get a knock on the door and it’s our friend’s older brother, and he’s like, where’s.

Where’s Pete? We’ll call him. And we say he’s in his room. Then the older brother, we’ll call him Jeff, runs to the room, kicks down the door, and he finds his younger brother hanging himself. So, that’s the story I told. And after the speech, this woman came up to me and said, she shared with me someone on her team.

Hung himself this past Superbowl. And not only that, it was her nephew. And we just had like a very profound spiritual moment. And it was in that moment I knew like, Hey, I was listening to my intuition being like, something is off here because this speech is feeling a little bit flat and it feels like there’s something more here and.

I called an audible to use more football football terminology to change the speech last minute and add something new and it worked. 

Wow. That’s incredible. Yeah. I love when, when there’s examples in people’s life where you really, or where a person really gets to like channel and just say, again, like you surrender.

You just like, you didn’t, I feel there’s something else. I surrender. I see, you know, open to other possibilities of, you know, that content Presentation being changed and You were just open, uh, open of like receiving something else, you know, which I think is so powerful, especially when it comes to creative work, you know, which is, you know, what a lot of, a lot of, uh, you know, entrepreneurs and, and speakers as well as thought, you know, leaders like yourself do.

So yeah, that’s super inspiring. Thank you. 

Sam Kabert
Thanks for asking the question. Happy to share. 

So if you like, could talk a little bit about your own, like entrepreneur journey as a speaker, as a personal brand, like when did that start? Like how long did it take you to like get a website and stuff like that?

You know, because it usually takes a couple of years to people are like. I’m ready to be seen or to be, yeah, to be this. Um, so yeah, talk to, talk to us, uh, talk to us a little bit about that. 

Sam Kabert
For sure. Do you know what your, uh, human design is, Christian? Yeah. I’m a manifestor. Straight up manifestor, huh? Me too.

Cool. So when I got into human design, I had, uh, this friend who was, uh, doing like human design readings and he was like, he knew what I did for a living and I’ll, the story I’ll share with you guys in a moment. And he goes, ah, It makes sense here in Manifestor. So here’s the thing. Back in 2017, I started a podcast and at the time, um, uh, yeah, I guess I’ll go into that story.

Uh, my friend and I, Sergio Olveri, we ran the Silicon Valley young professionals together and we were like dumb and dumber, you know, and it was like, people would tell us we should have a show. And I was a big fan of Rogan’s podcast at the time. And I was like, and he was a big fan of Howard Stern. So he was like, no, I.

Howard Stern basically shits on podcasts. So he hated podcasts cause he didn’t have a mind for his own for himself. You know, um, that’s neither here nor there. It took six months to convince my friend to do the podcast. Then he finally was like, all right, all right, I’ll do it. So he came over to my house one day.

This is January 17th, 2017. I don’t even know what program we use. Maybe it was quick time and we were just like, I just. No microphone, no webcam or anything. We’re just like, I guess you hit record. And it was like that scene in Zoolander where they’re like, it’s inside the computer and they’re kind of like, and they didn’t know how to get the files out of the computer.

Like we didn’t know what the heck we were doing. And what do you know? Like. Five episodes later, a couple months later, we were interviewing a Super Bowl champion of the San Francisco 49ers at the Cane BR studio. That’s the local sports radio show that has a studio at the brand new Levi’s Stadium for the San Francisco 49ers.

We’re then partnered with, uh, Multiple legit organizations in Silicon Valley. And we had no idea what we were doing. I started listening to podcasts on how to podcast. I went to the podcast national conference and I was figuring it out as I went along and it was resonating with people. And I mean, I think by that fifth episode, we actually had legit.

Like production quality and these days, seven years later with AI and so many different tools and podcasting being so much more accessible, like it’s way easier to get started and get off the ground. Those days you couldn’t even do a zoom call and record. You would have to do Skype and then download a software called like e capture, eat something.

And it was all clunky. Like now it’s so easy, but anyways. And doing the podcast, I started to learn how to edit the podcast and I was like, damn, this is time consuming. This isn’t worth it. And I had read Tim Ferris’s book. Um, what is it for our work week? About five years, whatever it was five years previous to that.

And I had always wanted to learn to work with virtual assistants, but I never really had a reason. So I was like, all right, I’m going to get a VA and see if the VA can help me with, uh, editing the podcast. Well, that turned to not only a virtual assistant for editing the podcast, but creating a website, graphic design, all the things within a year or two, people started asking me, Hey, how are you able to do so many different things?

And I’m like, easy VAs. And they’re like, What’s a VA? And I’m like a virtual assistant. And this is like in Silicon Valley and with people all across the country in the U S but people didn’t know what virtual assistants were that I was talking to. And I was like, really? So I wrote ebook on how to work with VAs.

I turned that into my first book, how to work with VAs. That then became a podcast called clone yourself where in the first 15 episodes, it’s basically like a free course, you know, talking. People through how to work with VAs. And then that turned into a done for you marketing agency where I have a company called wizard teams, where we do anything you want done just through our VA team.

You just tell us what you want done. We get it done for you. And that was really what helped me was more than anything, not only focusing on my strengths and outsourcing my weaknesses, but, um, you know, Just getting started and realizing I’ll figure it out as I go along. Sure, sometimes you want to plan a little bit more, but I think a lot of people never get started because it’s a paralysis by analysis.

Yeah, I very much agree with that. There’s a lot of, there’s a lot of, there’s this African proverb where it says, go as far as you can see and you will see further. You know, I think a lot of times, you know, we see, I don’t know, to the tree line, we’re like, yeah. Cool. But you know, there’s so much more after and behind and beyond, you know, that we don’t see.

And so, yeah, it’s a beautiful, beautiful analogy. So right now I want to switch gears a little bit. I want you to talk to us a little bit about, about. the future of humanity and technology, because I feel since you have such a great background in Silicon Valley, you still, I assume are somewhat tapped into that and have a little bit more of the finger on a pulse on technology and AI than other people that are on the show.

So yeah. Do you have anything to share about that? 

Sam Kabert
Um, I used to say when I lived in Silicon Valley, I used to joke like I’m the least techie millennial in Silicon Valley. And, uh, as well, like with AI, I’d mess around with chat GPT here and there, but it blows my mind to see what some people are doing with AI.

And I’m like, you can do what, and you’re doing what, and then, uh, not only blows my mind with like the abilities, but it also blows my mind with how out of Alignment or of integrity people are getting for my, uh, values of integrity. Uh, I was in a course once with a coach teaching coaches how to coach, and he was teaching us how to create a course with ai.

And I was just like, are you kidding me? You know, there’s, there’s just so much you can do and I think AI is definitely a tool, obviously. Um. And sometimes I wonder if I’m missing the boat on it, but honestly, like the main way I use chat GPT is I write a sentence and then I copy and paste in there. I’m like, is this grammatically correct?

And I’m like, Oh, wow, cool. It is, you know, cause I’m really bad with, uh, commas and semi, semi colons, uh, sometimes. So that’s super rudimentary or elementary. And I know there’s so much more you can do, but that’s. Pretty much my extent. The other side is my last year was the most challenging year in my life.

And that’s what really culminated in me writing my latest book, overcome the overwhelm and. That was as a result of being in a very, very toxic relationship, and the relationship wasn’t toxic. But when she broke up with me via text, and blocked me everywhere, and blocked me from the pregnancy that I didn’t know, all this type of stuff, and the only way we could communicate was email, it was very helpful to, Write an email and then put it in chat GPT and say, can you rewrite this with nonviolent communication?

And that was a trick, a trick that a buddy taught me. And, um, honestly, like that was really helpful. I was already feeling like most of what I had written was pretty good. Pretty nonviolent, but in a very delicate situation like that, it didn’t hurt having a extra layer. So again, I’m not really your techie AI guy, but those are some, uh, some tricks that people might not really think about that are pretty helpful.

Yeah. Yeah. You know, it’s, it’s so powerful, especially, you know, imagine technology being able to. mend a relationship and slightly change the timeline and the outcome of a certain situation in that way. I think it’s super powerful. And how cool that your friend reminded you of, yeah, use that. Do, do this with your emails, which is, which is amazing.

So, um, tell us a little bit about your book. 

Sam Kabert
Yeah, it’s called Overcome the Overwhelm and again, this came about as a process that I developed for myself to overcome the situation I was in. The book is not about what went down and what the situation was or it’s not about me. It’s about this six step breath process that can help you to access inner peace at any Any single moment.

And this is a culmination of all my research and credentials or certifications and just interest of being a student and looking at things like Dr. Joe dispenses book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, which is a fantastic book, but it also felt like it was a scavenger hunt. Hunt, and I had to study it meticulously and just different things like that, where it’s like there’s an easier way.

There’s a, the better way you can go about this to make it more accessible. So I kind of took these different approaches and create a roadmap through the six step breath process that really allows us to access inner peace in real time. And there’s three things to know about this six step breath process.

The first is that our bodies have a 90 second physiological response when we experience an emotion and emotions are energy in motion. So when we put this together, it’s like, you know what? Instead of being like, I’m going to distract and numb myself from feeling this, I’m going to allow myself to feel this energy because I know if I can feel it, then it can move through me.

So it’s like, okay, great. But what do you actually do? And the three themes of the six step breath process, because six steps can be a lot is just simply to breathe Feel and think intentionally. So I’m experiencing this emotion. Let me slow down. Let me come back to my breath Let me feel this. Let me get curious of what this energy is revealing to me.

Let me accept and surrender to it Then let me think intentionally and now’s the time we can get into positive affirmations and Incorporate and integrate new habits as a result of what that energy was revealing two years ago to you. So that’s a summary of, uh, what the six step breath process to overcome overwhelm is all about 


Yeah. I think that’s super helpful in practical because people need like simple instructions, especially since so much of our reconditioning happens. By, you know, reconditioning ourselves like daily, like every hour, you know, like we need to just need to be reminded humans are creatures of habit. And I think simple techniques like yours are super helpful.

So we’re getting close to the end of the episode. We have a couple more questions. And the next question I would love to ask you about is about your legacy. So what are three words that you want people to know you for after you leave this physical plane?

Sam Kabert
Integrity, alignment, authenticity. 

Beautiful. Those are great words. What are, like, what, what is your vision for the new earth? whatever you define as the new earth. 

Sam Kabert
Yeah. I mean, I, I think, uh, the new earth is in terms of what that can look like. Uh, we’ve touched on a few things, uh, in regard to like, uh, the way employees are treated in corporations and that they’re not slaves to their business.

I think that is not right. I think, you know, prioritizing our own mental health above work is Most important more than anything else. Um, I do see a breaking of the establishment, meaning like this way that we look at work, driving our lives and with their respect of the devastation caused in the lockdowns of 2020 and even 2021 in my little bubble.

of reality. I saw a lot of people opening up to like, wow, there’s so much more to life other than work. And I thought it was really starting to be like, wow, this is, this is fun. This is like, I honestly, my, the favorite, my favorite years of my life were 2020 and 2021. And I know, I know that sounds wild, but, um, I embraced it.

You know, and I surrendered to it, and I thought, despite all the devastation, there was a lot of beauty as well, and it gave me a lot of hope of what the new earth, uh, could look like, but unfortunately, what it feels like in these past few years is we’ve gone back to our old ways, and I remember Some of your listeners, some people listening, this are going to really agree with this, or they’re going to get really fired up and think I’m crazy.

But at the time I was like, F it, you know, burn it all down because I rather go through this now than act like this isn’t happening and go back to like a quote unquote normal and then know that this is happening, this is going to happen, and then we’re going to have to go through the abruptness of what this is happening because we are so much in the of it and it was getting so close to like burning it all down, which would be, uh, it was terrifying.

And also like it is happening and it’s necessary to happen. At least I believe some, some other people might be like, no, you can enter a new earth without like devastation. And I’m like, Oh. I don’t believe that. I think it’s the phoenix that rises from the ashes. So, you know, for me, um, not talking physically burn it all down, but metaphorically, like, let it all burn.

And that’s when the beauty really will come through. And for those of you listening that know what I’m talking about, like you can recall those times that you had, or even maybe you’re still having it. I know in my bubble of reality, things have gone a little bit stale and backwards, To the way they have, but that’s kind of what I see the new earth being 


Yeah. Yeah. I think so too. You know, um, the COVID era, I was really, it was really just kind of like a little bit like a reset, you know, everything comes, it was like, you, you know, slowing down. Um, And yeah, it’s, I’m curious to see what, what happens in the next few years. I think it’s just more of that transformation, but obviously a little bit slower.

Um, yeah, it’s exciting. I think the world is definitely changing now. I think on a collective level, you see a lot of people being interested in breath work, in meditation, in yoga, in this, in that, and I think that is such a, such a vital development of humanity. And for the next. Uh, era that’s coming. 

Sam Kabert


Yeah. So, I mean, that’s why, that’s why we’re here. You know what I mean? That’s why we record this podcast. Spiritualpreneur. It’s not like, you know, make a million dollars in spirit, spirituality or spirit or whatever that component is in your life is not important. It’s like both, right? So. Last, uh, last question for, or for, for you is like, what, um, what do you, what are you looking to call in your life?

Like any future goals, any, you know, future aspirations and as your, you know, personal brand company, you know, as an entrepreneur yourself, like, what are you looking to call in? I always like to give that part of the podcast over to, you know, my guest and just like, Do some visioning for you, like anything that you are excited about calling in more of.

Sam Kabert
Yeah, for me, um, you know, I just want to see people replace the words or the phrase work life balance with soul life balance and not for my own ego. Like it’s very much Simon Sinek, you know, he was a big pioneer for start with why or know your why. And a lot of people these days when it comes to like, you got to know your why, right?

Like they don’t equate that to Simon Sinek. And I don’t need. My legacy or my name known for soul life balance. I just have a vision of getting rid of this phrase, work life balance, because it’s a bunch of BS and replacing that with soul life balance. And that’s the vision I see. 

Beautiful. Uh, hold to that.

So what can people find you? What can people get more of you? Let us know, you know, how people can get in touch. Uh, 

Sam Kabert
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. My website, Sam K Burt. com there, it has all of my links. I’m very active on Instagram. I have a podcast called soul seeker and a YouTube channel called spirituality simplified, which has educational lessons on spirituality and make it more accessible along with breath, visualizations.

Beautiful. Any, any last words, um, you want to leave the audience with. 

Sam Kabert
Just feel, just feel through it. Just feel beautiful. 

Thank you so much for your time, Sam. It was such an honor to have you on the show and, uh, let’s keep spreading the light. Sounds great. Thank you, Christian. I appreciate the opportunity.

It’s an honor.

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